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9h37 Departure. Another cloudy start, but it's mild out.-----

10h34 and 18km into my commute. Cycling north on Jane Street near Finch Avenue ... It is not the most attractive part of the ride as it is peppered with high rise apartments and city housing complexes that could use some major upgrades.



A song enters my head, well, only a few notes that keep repeating over and over. Not sure exactly what it is or where it came from but my pedaling is keeping pace to it.
11h54 - 46.5km accomplished - average speed 24.5km/h, better than yesterday (23.5km/h). I have arrived, time for work.

I have not yet re-entered the suburban neighbourhoods of Maple. My view is filled with greenery accentuated by splashes of red and orange. The sky is cloudy and the colours all the more saturated.

12h44 - In the middle of suburban sprawl. Pass a sign in front of the Maple Community Centre inviting me to sign up for the Vaughn Soccer Club. Don't they know I have never played it. Only team sport I played was Rugby during which I suffered my first bone fracture, two to be exact - my right ulna and radius. I was thirteen.

13h01 - Still on Keele Street crossing Doney Crescent. I'm back in the land of industrial parks. Reaching the border between the Cities of Vaughn and Toronto, only 2km away and about 19km from my home.
13h11 - cycling through the university campus, need to stop.

18h07 - Back on Keele Street cycling south past numerous high rise apartment complexes. Approaching Lawrence Avenue where I turn left, the point at which I know I have only 10km left to go.

18h40 I'm there - average speed 24km/h much better than yesterday's return commute.

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